‘The God Chronicle,’ as it’s affectionately been titled, is the very earliest work of A.F. Roberts. It doesn’t get alot of attention as it is but a short story, not a full-length novel. But it may very well have been the piece that ‘opened the door’ to receiving all the stories that were to come.
It is the only work that, at least at this point, is available ONLY on Amazon. Initially, in terms of re-branding as almost entirely self-published, it served as the Roberts ‘test model’ for getting familiar with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). As such, it’s ever and only been published there.
But, in terms of content, it stands alone and unique to the rest of the catalog of stories. Penned in ‘biblical-styled’ prose, it is simply an offering as to a (possible) background of the entire Bible scenario (God, man, the devil, angels, demons, original sin, the fall of man, fall of angels, and the end-game outcome of all of it).

It came as answers to fervent questions & prayers Roberts had as to the scheme of all things under Heaven and Earth. It was a time of struggle with the faith, and a crossroads (of sorts) on how to grapple with it all, when things were no longer seeming to make ‘perfect sense.’
As with all the other novels since then, the original thought in putting it pen-to-paper wasn’t to ‘make a book’ – but rather, get it all out and managed in some semblance of order. And, in the end, this is what came to be: ‘The Chronicle.’