Cassie spoke. “We – are – Cassandra, and have business to propose with you, Murro Vogt. You’ve just been shown that which was – from your consciousness within this dream. Until now, we didn’t know how you’ve been hurt and slighted in the past, which was revealed to us. That which likely started your path, sliding into the darkness. In re-presenting Carol Severs to you in this way, we want to make it clear that it’s not too late – for love. Not too late to return to it, and to the light.” – Chapter 24
At last Peter broke the silence, stating and asking simultaneously, “You are the One, are you not, The Lamb whom we’ve served.”
“Sometimes unwittingly served… yes, I am, of course,” replied the Shepherd. “You have served sometimes through the foolishness of your earthly hierarchy, but in other times you acted directly from my prompts, unquestioning.” – Introduction

“Ever the man of wisdom,” she offered, unconsciously caressing my back in acknowledgment. I looked at her intently as she did, then she at me, as my gaze pulled her into awareness of her friendly familiarity with me. Then for the first time, rather than disengage from further touch, her hand glided around from my back to down my arm and finally into my hand. We continued staring eye-to-eye through this while my fingers wrapped over hers. If the current state of affairs hadn’t been what they were—away from my parish, far from my post, banished for now, and spending more time with her—what followed probably wouldn’t have happened. But it did. Our gazes remained locked, and our heads kept moving closer together. As we were almost there, she took my cheek in her hand, and I held her by her neck. And there it was, tender, soft, and sweet—a kiss, not a bite. It was as it should be for two such as we, lingering and gingerly exploring each other’s lips. It seemed we explored more than that too. As the warmth of our kiss prolonged, flashes of imagery went through our minds. I envisioned the sacrament, slowly taking each element one at a time, then saw Charissa in synchronous succession of biting my flesh and drinking blood from therein. – Christopher, Chapter 16
Votes winner of ‘New Worlds of Wonder’ E-Book Fair, April 2023
Cassie held out her hand behind her for NiKells to take – and as she did, they both moved immediately to the lake’s center and began to come together in their minds and focus. The ritual had become so routine now – circling and crossing, above their heads and outwardly in front of themselves. Across the waters and all around them, a beam of circle-light expanded like a ripple, encompassing the girls many yards out from where they stood. The whole area within the circle became an alternate space; no longer water, though still fluid somehow. The characteristics of a portal then emerged, tunneling a path away from here – to somewhere else. To the somewhere they wished to go! – Chapter 28
“I am the gate. Whoever enters by Me will be saved and will come in and go out and find pasture.”
– John 10:9
He strolled about meditative, looking up, as though seeing the ‘flash’ of the wormhole closing, and Murro and Sandra’s departure. He nodded to himself and began to shimmer and glow. His entire form burst into light, in the shape of a cross. Then came the circle of bright, white energy, and yet another gate was formed. The one true gate. He, as the gate itself. From out of the distance, there in the vast plains, came forth, a heavenly host. Though no words had yet been uttered, they had been called – and flying in from the skies, they arrived. Landing from flight, they formed a great line and marched into the gateway. – Chapter 32