EARTH GATE book 2 CROSS OVER book 3*

The story doesn’t end with CROSS GATE. The first story simply sets the table for more to come. As we move into Book 2, EARTH GATE and Book 3, CROSS OVER the storylines ‘up the ante,’ becoming far more apocalyptic in nature. Cassie and company’s abilities and responsibilities evolve even further to missions of world-wide importance.
EARTH GATE, Cross-Gate II, Available on Amazon
In this new tale, Cassie Severs and crew return from their climactic adventure in Turkey, and get back home to New York. Murro Vogt is sent back to prison, but Sandra NiKells begins concocting a plan for his future release/relocation, as her visions of their coming, greater mission, the Earth Gate, grow ever stronger.
The visions imagine herself, Murro, Cassie and David Severs at four corners of the world, originating from a base point of the Four Corners, southwest United States. A wild ride ensues to gather them all there at the appointed time.
Snares and opposition develop to impede the success of their rendezvous. The plan Sandra devises to get Murro back with them involve Witness Relocation for him. Enter U.S. Marshall, Sylvia Weathersfield, assigned to Vogt as his supervisor in the program. As she becomes more and more suspicious of Murro’s true motives, she dedicates herself to putting down anything on his part she perceives doesn’t ‘smell’ right.

And indeed it doesn’t, as the time grows nigh. New and old friends join the foursome in their race to meet their destiny – enacting the Earth Gate; a mega-Cross Gate which shall encircle the earth, catching up those of faith within in it, and taking them… beyond this world!
*CROSS OVER book 3, concludes the trilogy! Purchase on Barnes & Noble

Murro Vogt has stayed on Terra Firma, gathering some familiar faces during this time; as he acts as a remaining herald to the returning gate-keepers, Sandra, David and of course, Cassie. No sooner are they back and rejoined by Charlie and Sylvia, do they find themselves embroiled in defense against growing packs of the demon-possessed; transformed humans taken over by receiving the mark of the Beast – rivaling any Zombie Apocalypse!
The mark is not all that’s received, as Cassie and Sandra get more visions; this time to one of the century’s military marvels; the Russian Ekranoplan, whose home just happens to be – the Caspian Sea. One sunken, others mothballed on the Caspian Naval Base, it becomes their mission to procure and operate these leviathans – as arks – in the harvesting of Earth’s last remnant of humanity.
Just as before the Earth-Gate, opposition builds against the Cross-Over, by the dark forces of the Beast and his conspirators; this time sinking to tactics such as a ‘dream-napping’ of Sandra, holding Cassie as hostage – even demanding Shepherd to submit himself – and destroy the arks.
A startling revelation as to the true origin of the Cross-gate is revealed, not to mention the advent of another pivotal dual-personhood, not unlike Cassandra herself; the one called Evada, who comes to play their unique role in the monumental event that is – the Cross-Over.